研究生:刘宁宁 校对者:马丹 审核者:张莉芸
Damage in lupus patients-what have we learned so far?
Abstract With the improvement of survival of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients, prevention of organ damage has become a major goal in the management of these patients. The need for a reliable tool for assessment of cumulative damage over time led to the development of the SystemicLupus International Collaborating Clinics/American College of Rheumatology (SLICC/ACR) damage index (SDI) that allowed a standardized measurement of damage and facilitated research in the field. Damage accumulates over the course of the disease; however, some patients do not accrue any damage even after many years. Damage accrues at a higher rate among patients with more active disease, highlighting the importance of prompt control of disease manifestations. However, medications administered to control disease activity, particularly corticosteroids, can also result in organ damage, emphasizing the need for adjustment of these agents as soon as disease is under control.
随着系统性红斑狼疮患者生存质量的提高,预防器官损害已经成为治疗这类患者的主要目标。我们需要一个可靠的工具来评估这种长期积累的损害。系统性国际合作诊所/美国风湿病学会(SLICC/ ACR)提出的损伤指数(SDI)为测量损害提供了标准,并且加快了这个领域的研究进程。疾病的损伤是日积月累的,但是一些患者即使在患病多年后也不产生任何损伤,而在那些积极治疗疾病、高度重视并控制疾病活动的的患者中损害的发生率更高。然而用药物控制疾病的活动,特别是糖皮质激素同样也能导致器官损害,为了防止器官的损害,强调调整这些药物的使用是必要的。